Whether congregating in dimly lit halls or in forests, and whether mediated by e-mailed audiofile or infiltrating darker realms of consciousness, mysterious forces are being channelled by a shifting collective intent on psychic communion by any means necessary. Bonnacons Of Doom’s identities may be shrouded and hidden in the live arena, yet the force of their vibrations is gloriously manifest.
Whilst the line-up of Bonnacons Of Doom has been known to morph with each undertaking, the prime movers in the principally Liverpool-based collective endeavour have included members of Mugstar, Forest Swords, Jarvis Cocker’s band and Youthmovies, donning robes and masks to sculpt altered states and subsume themselves to the ritual.
The progenitors of Trans-Pennine hypnotic music, Bonnacons Of Doom’s sonic explorations probe the transcendent powers of heavy amplification with the cacophony of doomed guitars and synths colliding head on with pagan’esque, repetitive vocals.
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